Tuesday, 22 January 2013
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Friday, 30 November 2012
For the last year I've been spending my free time after
school conducting Red Bull-fueled coding sessions in the pursuit of one single
goal: to bring more science to the SEO industry.
As an industry we are still only taking our first few baby
steps into the world of maths, stats, and data-driven decisions. For a
seemingly data-dependent industry, SEO professionals are influenced to a
surprising degree by rumor, anecdotal evidence, and unscientific tests.
SEOMoz were the true visionaries in conducting correlation
studies to analyze search engine algorithms. With my project, I hoped to take
it that little bit further and analyze more factors on a larger dataset.
After analyzing the top 100 search results for over 10,000
keywords I had gathered 180,000,000 (one hundred and eighty million) data
points on 186 potential factors in the Google algorithm. This has lead to the
most comprehensive published research into Google's algorithm, and some pretty
incredible findings.
With so much data and so many findings it would be
impossible to go through them all here so in this post, I have hand-picked all
the most important findings for readers.
Correlations are a useful but imperfect indicator of the
relationship between two pieces of data, in this case search engine ranking and
the factor being tested. They range from -1 to 1, a minus number meaning the
factor correlates with a negative impact on ranking, and a positive number
meaning ranking and the magnitude of the factor move in the same direction.
How close the correlation is to either of the 1%u2032s is an
indicator of its importance/strength. A 0.7 correlation is very strong whereas
a 0.05 correlation implies almost no relationship between the two variables.
For example, correlation studies have been used to link
income to education. As we all know the more education we have, on average the
more income we earn, but where did that statistic come from and why do most
people believe it?
Correlations are used to prove relationships between two
pieces of data, in this case amount of education and income, and to figure out
how important that relationship is, by putting numbers behind the logic.
Here are some examples;
Participant Income years of study
1 125,000 19
2 100,000 20
3 40,000 16
4 35,000 16
5 41000 18
6 29,000 12
7 35,000 14
8 24,000 12
9 50,000 16
10 60,000 17
In this sample, the correlation is 0.79. Just from looking
at the data, you can see that the more time the study's participants spent in
education, the more income they earned.
This is verified by the correlation which is a positive
number (when education increases, income increases) and is very close to 1.0.
This demonstrates that the relationship between education and income is a
strong one.
My research findings
Now that you understand correlations, let's look at what my
research revealed about SEO.
Finding 1. SEO plugins are not the answer
I'm sure you are aware there are a whole host of WordPress
SEO plugins available for your blog. These plugins tend to deal primarily with
on-page SEO, for example, placing keywords in the URL, title, meta description,
While some plugins deal with the indexing side of SEO, which
may provide some small SEO benefit, the majority tend to focus their efforts on
these on-page factors.
The truth is that contrary to all the rhetoric of SEOs and
industry "experts" over the last ten years, according to my research
these simplistic have almost no bearing on a page's rank in Google.
That's not to say that Google hasn't developed more advanced
algorithms to analyse content on a page, but certainly the traditional factors
such as keywords being in title tags, h1/h2/h3 tags, etc. can be ignored when
writing blog posts.
The main learning here for readers (bloggers) is that
instead of worrying about search engines when you write your next blog post,
you should focus 100% on the user.
Check out all these articles in common resource on how to
write a great post. Guess what? None of them talk about how users love a title
tag stuffed with keywords or headings tags that are meaningless space-fillers
designed solely for search engine spiders.
Finding 2. You gotta love link building
The only set of factors to have all the signals tested show
a significant positive correlation was links.
Without a doubt, the single most important factor in gaining
search engine ranking is building links to your blog.
Page Authority, an SEOMoz metric that models the PageRank
for a given URL, was by far the most influential factor in the study. What this
means is that it is not only important to build links to your homepage, but
also to the posts you want to get rank well in Google.
When was the last time you wrote a guest post or created a
viral infographic? How much time do you spend doing keyword research or doing
repetitive, mundane tasks like manually optimizing posts for keyword density?
If there is one piece of action everybody who reads this
post should take, it is without a doubt to create a link-building strategy for
your blog.
The proof:
link related correlations
Finding 3. Domains still matter
There's been a lot of scaremongering about exact match
domains of late, but the fact is that Google still highly values EMDs that have
high quality content on them.
That's the key. If you have a blog and you plan to publish
great content that users will love then a EMD can be a massive help in getting
you to #1 for that big keyword.
After seeing this significant positive correlation between
EMDs and ranking #1 in Google, I looked a little deeper at the domain name
market and learnt that there were over 200,000 domains expiring every day.
Bloggers can catch dropping domains before they go back onto
the market and create incredible sites with them, which will have a natural
advantage over the competition. Matt Green wrote a great post about this tactic
right here on
The proof:
exact match domain correlations
Research in summary
I think the key learnings from all this data for readers can
be summarized into one sentence: "write for your audience not the search
engines, build links to your great content, and develop your blog on a great
domain with incredible domain authority."
Do you focus on SEO? What works to push your site up the
search rankings? Share your thoughts on my research in the comments.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
We’ll move now to specific tactics, starting with the most
common and then going on to some advanced strategies. Although this will strike you as a very long
chapter –because I’ve gathered all the traffic –generating tactics I can think
of in one place. You must not feel overwhelmed by the amount of materials we’re
covering. As I mentioned in before, the trick is to master one tactic at a
time. Make sure you put it into action right away, monitoring its effectiveness
as you go along.
Here are some of the most frequently used and
well known tactics for generating traffic.
Pay-Per-Click advertising:
quickest way to get traffic through your site
is through paid advertising in the following forms:
Banner and text ads on market sites.
Advertising in market specific e-zines or newsletters.
Method #2 and #3 are speedy but generally take
longer time than Pay-Per-Click. This is because of competition and publishing
schedule. If you advertise in a competitive e-zine, there may be several
advertisers ahead of you. Pay –Per-Click is however instantaneous. Once you set
up your campaign your ads will appear in minutes.
TACTIC #(1). Pay-Per-Click:-
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can both be
a long-term and a short-term strategy. This is because you can control your
campaign at will. It will depend on your budget. If you’re profiting from your campaign,
you can leave it running indefinitely. If you are on a tight budget, you can
leave the ads for as long as your budget will allow, then pause your campaign
at any given time (and of course, you can turn it back on, too, when you are ready).
Pay-per-click advertising is often referred to as performance-based advertising. In other
words you pay for results and not exposure. To put this in context, think of
traditional newspaper where you are usually charged per word to run your ad .Similarly, you may have come across
websites that let you run banner advertisement for a specified amount of time
when you pay upfront. The problem with that form of advertising is that you’ve
no guarantee of results. You could spend hundreds on pay-upfront advertisement
and end up broke if you ad performs poorly-no one responds, no one clicks on
your link, etc.
The PPC model of advertising, however, gives
advertisers like the advantage of by letting you control cost. Instead of being
charged for publication or ad exposure, your
ads are run for free. You don’t actually pay anything until someone clicks on
the link to you Web site-hence the term ‘’Pay-Per-Click’’
PPC ads are delivered by Pay-Per-Click
search engines like the following:
(HTTP://ADCENTER.MICROSOFT.COM) -Lots of traffic opportuinities for cheap traffic.This program was Microsoft’s attempt to muscle away some market share from Google and Yahoo!.
(HTTP://ADCENTER.MICROSOFT.COM) -Lots of traffic opportuinities for cheap traffic.This program was Microsoft’s attempt to muscle away some market share from Google and Yahoo!.
Other handful of smaller PPC engines
(with slightly lower volume) that offer high –quality traffic and super cheap
You should use mix PPC engines in
your traffic campaign, especially if you want to get most traffic for your budget.
Don’t rely on only one PPC engine. Also make sure you use both large and small networks.
The best thing to do if you are new is to choose one of the major players, like
Google, and one of the smaller players like 7search.See what kind of results
you get, and then decide if you want to run your campaign on additional engines
or drop one from your campaign to save money.
PPC advertising uses short,
classifieds style advertisements, which appear next to regular search-engine
Banner /text –link advertising can be done on a short term basis or on a
continual basis if you have the budget for it .This form of advertising can
also bring you very good, highly targeted traffic if the sites where you
advertise do a good job of attracting targeted traffic from the market. There
are two ways to find banner and text link opportunities:
On targeted, market –specific Web sites where the site owner has
implemented these advertising opportunities on site (meaning you’d usually
negotiate ad space and rates with the site owner)
By targeting sites that participate in add network. In this case, the
ad-network manages the relationship between advertisers and participating sites
in the network.
It is more common these days to run banner and text ads through what is
known as an advertising network. Ad networks are much like affiliate networks. Many
Website prefer to have a third party run their affiliate program rather than
doing it themselves. So, they sign up with companies such as Linkshare or
Clickbank. why? It just makes life easier, especially for large sites that
offer a lot of products and foresee themselves having affiliates tom manage. The
same is true for sites that want to
implement advertising across the board. Third party advertising networks allow
site owners to have steady stream of different advertisements running ads on
their sites, without having to deal directly with those advertisers. All the
site owner has to do is to join the network, specify the requirements, and then
paste some code into his or her webpage that will pull in (and rotate)
advertisements on autopilot. It’s a win-win situation for publishers and the ad
network, as both share in the revenue paid by advertisers. It also benefits
advertisers like you because you can fin targeted opportunities in one central location,
effectively eliminating the need to search for opportunities site by site. The
following is a list of some of the most popular advertising networks with a brief
description of the opportunities each one provide.
Boasts large inventory of sites that
attract highly targeted audiences.
Focused on providing ads for special-interest and niche-focused Web
sites. Claims over three thousand publisher members.
with banners, text links, and even video! Many options for site-specific targeting.
Guarantees to buy 100 percent of advertising space on host sites. Performance –based
prising for advertisers.
As a newbie, your best bet may be Google Adwords program. This is
because Google offers advertisers arrange of option beyond standard can target specific sites within Google’s content and Adsense networks,
using a variety of ad formats including banner, video and
text. Your advertising cost will follow a model similar to pay-per-click. On
some networks yo may be charged for actual click on your banner or link. In
Other cases, you may be charged on a cost-per-impression basis. In other word
you bid a specified amount of money (say $X) per number (ay,1000) of displays (impression) of your add, regardless
of whether visitors actually click on it.
For text-link only advertisements, you can follow the traditional
pay-per-click model when writing your ads.Just a short classified-style ad will
usually suffice. With banner ads,there
are more options. There are two types of
web banners: Static and animated. I’m sure you’ve seen these in action before.I
recommend trying out this free resource :
can create your own banners and see them in action!
in touch for other candid and circumspect freebies on ways to boost you traffic
Thursday, 8 November 2012
There has always been money available no matter the season,but only those that apply its principles can get it in abundance.If you do not apply the law that commands abundance and wealth ,you cannot leave the ground floor of poverty to the height of prosperity.
Building an investment habit:
Make investments a habit.You have to sacrifice what you have now for hat you later need .If you don't reinvest what you have you are not creating and opportunity for money to be reproduced.There must be an input which is always the foundation assets that will produce returns on investments later.
Let your thinking of money be a drive for you to do work on how to get it.
Passion for investments:
There is some things you may be into now that would not give you the pace and speed you need to reach your destination in life.The choice is leave it and move into what you have passion for.
Becoming wealthy or more wealthier is your desire isn't it?You wake up everyday to make sure you actually achieve that goal,of course man's needs are unlimited. I want to tell you that rich follow some principles.It should be noted that you should think like the rich ,feel like the rich but do not spend like the rich.
Principles to follow:
(a). Change your thinking:
Rich people have a thinking that is different from the poor and middle class people.They think differently about money,themselves,other people and life.Let's examine some crucial differences between how rich people think or how middle class people think:-
Rich people believe"I create my life",poor people believe "life happens to me". If you want to create wealth i,it is important that you believe that you are the steering wheel of your life,that you(apart from God )can create every moment of your life;especially your financial life.If you don't believe this then you must believe that you have little control over your life then that financial success has nothing to do with you.That is not a rich attitude.
Instead of responsibility of what is going on in their life, poor people play the role of victim,of course every victim's predominant thought process is "poor me".
(b). Rich people play the money game to win:
Poor people play the game to loose.Poor people ply the money game in defense ;rather than offense.let me ask you ,if you were to play any sport or any game strictly on defense,what are the chances of winning the game? Most people agree slim or zero,so what is your goal?
Rich people are committed to being rich:
Poor people are uncommitted to to being rich.Most of us has good reasons as to why it would be wonderful to be rich,but what about the other side of the coin?Are these the reasons why it might not be so great to be rich or go through the process of trying to get rich?You be the judge.
Each of us has a file of wealth in our minds.This file contains our personal beliefs,that includes why being wealthy would be great.But for many people their files includes information as to why being rich might not be so great.This people has mixed internal messages around money especially wealth.
One part of them says "having money will make life a lot easier".But the other part says "yeah but I'm going to have to work like a log,what kind of fun is that?"One part says "I would be able to travel the world". Then the other part says "yeah and everyone in the world would want something from me". These mixed messages are one of the biggest reasons most people never become rich.
-Things may come to those who wait,but only things left by
those who hustle...
-By Abraham Lincoln.
Building an investment habit:
Make investments a habit.You have to sacrifice what you have now for hat you later need .If you don't reinvest what you have you are not creating and opportunity for money to be reproduced.There must be an input which is always the foundation assets that will produce returns on investments later.
Let your thinking of money be a drive for you to do work on how to get it.
Passion for investments:
There is some things you may be into now that would not give you the pace and speed you need to reach your destination in life.The choice is leave it and move into what you have passion for.
Becoming wealthy or more wealthier is your desire isn't it?You wake up everyday to make sure you actually achieve that goal,of course man's needs are unlimited. I want to tell you that rich follow some principles.It should be noted that you should think like the rich ,feel like the rich but do not spend like the rich.
Principles to follow:
(a). Change your thinking:
Rich people have a thinking that is different from the poor and middle class people.They think differently about money,themselves,other people and life.Let's examine some crucial differences between how rich people think or how middle class people think:-
Rich people believe"I create my life",poor people believe "life happens to me". If you want to create wealth i,it is important that you believe that you are the steering wheel of your life,that you(apart from God )can create every moment of your life;especially your financial life.If you don't believe this then you must believe that you have little control over your life then that financial success has nothing to do with you.That is not a rich attitude.
Instead of responsibility of what is going on in their life, poor people play the role of victim,of course every victim's predominant thought process is "poor me".
(b). Rich people play the money game to win:
Poor people play the game to loose.Poor people ply the money game in defense ;rather than offense.let me ask you ,if you were to play any sport or any game strictly on defense,what are the chances of winning the game? Most people agree slim or zero,so what is your goal?
Rich people are committed to being rich:
Poor people are uncommitted to to being rich.Most of us has good reasons as to why it would be wonderful to be rich,but what about the other side of the coin?Are these the reasons why it might not be so great to be rich or go through the process of trying to get rich?You be the judge.
Each of us has a file of wealth in our minds.This file contains our personal beliefs,that includes why being wealthy would be great.But for many people their files includes information as to why being rich might not be so great.This people has mixed internal messages around money especially wealth.
One part of them says "having money will make life a lot easier".But the other part says "yeah but I'm going to have to work like a log,what kind of fun is that?"One part says "I would be able to travel the world". Then the other part says "yeah and everyone in the world would want something from me". These mixed messages are one of the biggest reasons most people never become rich.
-Things may come to those who wait,but only things left by
those who hustle...
-By Abraham Lincoln.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Candidly,one thing that greatly saddens me is seeing elderly people working their heads off instead of appreciably enjoying life,hence I never stop asking myself '' what were this people doing when they were young?Were they not strategic or hardworking in their youthful years?"
Over the years I have come to scale down the cause of the problem mentioned above as lack of planing.Yes tragedies may occur but I want you to know that you have the key to your future; you can determine what happens to it. There is a need for everybody to plan for their future;to plan for their retirement,you can't live or work forever there is a time to rest from all the toils over the years.Think,plan and implement it,your future is in your hands.
Proven ways to plan for the future:
Save more to create liquid cash. Begin depositing a
percentage of your earnings as soon as your start working. Start with a
modest deposit, perhaps 10 percent of pay. Gradually increase as your
income allows. Save $5,000 a year and you'll have about $100,000 in 20
Discuss retirement options with your employer. Get
information on how to start contributing to your employer's retirement
savings plan (401K). Some companies also have pension plans, which are
funds available to employees upon retirement.
Pay cash and don't accumulate debt. Owing thousands of
dollars in your later years might defer retirement as you struggle to
pay down debts. Keep debts to a minimum throughout the years to avoid
this issue. If currently carrying excessive debts, stop spending and
develop a plan to remedy these bills by paying more than the minimum,
destroying credit cards and negotiating lower rates.
Get rid of your mortgage loan. A house payment can
complicate your retirement years. Check your finances to see if you can
switch to bi-weekly mortgage payments to help reduce how much interest
you pay and to pay off the loan sooner. Alternatively, consider
refinancing to a 15-year mortgage to satisfy the mortgage debt in less
Start your own retirement plan. In addition to contributions
made to an employer retirement plan or pension plan, open your own
Individual Retirement Plan or IRA for additional funds during your
retirement years. Discuss opening this type of account with any bank or
insurance company in your local area. Other options for long-term cash
include opening a Certificate of Deposit or Money Market Account.
Keep hands off your savings. Dipping into your savings
depletes how much you'll have during your retirement years. Only use
retirement money during an emergency, and resolve to pay back any funds
taken from these accounts.
Once again start now to plan for your future.Think,plan and implement it....
1. Check new state license and registration filings. New
businesses are often required to register with the county or state. Some
state websites allow you to search new business applications online.
Otherwise, contact your county public records office to inquire about
new business applications filed. The Public Record Finder website
( provides listings and links for searching
online business records by state and city.
Look in the business section of your local newspaper. The business section of the newspaper often lists new business registrations on a weekly basis .
Read press releases posted online. Many new businesses will
issue a press release to announce their new services or that a location
has opened in your area. Websites like PR Web ( or PR
Newswire ( allow you to search press releases submitted
through their website. Another option is to enter your city and state in
a search engine and use the news option to find current news stories
for your area. You will have to filter through to find the stories that
relate to a news business opening.
Review the classified ads posted in your local newspaper.
New businesses coming to the area often advertise for new employees
prior to opening their doors.
Use the advanced search option on Twitter Search
( to search tweets posted by location. Twitter has
become a resource that many businesses use to get information out
quickly to potential customers.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Galaxy S3 vs iphone 5: A comparative analysis..(Biz tools extra)
iPhone vs Samsung Galaxy
The iPhone has been the leading smartphone in the eyes of many techies, but some say that the Samsung Galaxy may soon take the lead. The Samsung Galaxy is definitely giving the iPhone a run for its money, but let’s look at the major advantages and disadvantages of each phone so that we can best compare them.

iPhone Pros
Among all of the smartphones on the market, the iPhone always stands out. It is a phone with a large fan base, and one big advantage of owning an iPhone is that it is an impressive phone with a good and innovative reputation. The iPhone has a large 3.5-inch screen, but it is not clunky because it is only 0.37 inches thick and weighs only 4.8 ounces. The iPhone has a tremendous library of over 400,000 apps, and it offers superior syncing ability, optimizing the iCloud interface to connect to contacts, calendars and documents.
Samsung Galaxy Pros
The Samsung Galaxy is an exciting product on the smartphone market because it is one of the first smartphones to offer the iPhone competition. The Samsung Galaxy boasts an even larger screen than the iPhone, measuring in at 4.8 inches. The large screen provides excellent web browsing capabilities. It is even lighter than the iPhone at only 4.7 ounces, and it is slightly thinner with a thickness of only 0.34 inches. The Samsung Galaxy comes stock with either 16 GB or 32 GB of internal storage, and users can opt to expand up to 64 GB. Users can also utilize 50 GB of free dropbox storage. This phone also offers a fast and smooth performance due to its 2 GB RAM and 1.5 GHz processor.
iPhone Cons
The iPhone is an impressive phone, but it does have its downsides. It comes with either 8 GB or 16 GB and only offers an additional 5 GB through the iCloud, paling in comparison to the Samsung Galaxy’s storage capacities. The iPhone’s dual-core processor is also slower at 800 MHz, compared to the Samsung Galaxy’s 1.5 GHz. The iPhone also only offers 1 GB of RAM, compared to the Samsung Galaxy’s 2 GB of RAM. The iPhone’s 5-megapixel camera receives good reviews, but it cannot compare to the Samsung Galaxy’s 8-megapixel camera. In addition, iPhone users can only use apps from Apple’s online shop, while Samsung Galaxy users have access to apps from the Android Marketplace, Google and Samsung.
Samsung Galaxy Cons
Everything is not perfect with the Samsung Galaxy, either. One complaint with this phone is that it tries a little too hard to be innovative. The phone allows you to call the person you are texting by simply holding the phone to your ear, but some users prefer the voice command prompt that the iPhone offers. Users also prefer the iPhone’s Siri to the voice command that Samsung Galaxy offers because it isn’t as easily accessible or as accurate as Siri. Another criticism is that the Samsung Galaxy works more like a computer than a phone because of its operating system.
The iPhone has been the leading smartphone in the eyes of many techies, but some say that the Samsung Galaxy may soon take the lead. The Samsung Galaxy is definitely giving the iPhone a run for its money, but let’s look at the major advantages and disadvantages of each phone so that we can best compare them.
iPhone Pros
Among all of the smartphones on the market, the iPhone always stands out. It is a phone with a large fan base, and one big advantage of owning an iPhone is that it is an impressive phone with a good and innovative reputation. The iPhone has a large 3.5-inch screen, but it is not clunky because it is only 0.37 inches thick and weighs only 4.8 ounces. The iPhone has a tremendous library of over 400,000 apps, and it offers superior syncing ability, optimizing the iCloud interface to connect to contacts, calendars and documents.
Samsung Galaxy Pros
The Samsung Galaxy is an exciting product on the smartphone market because it is one of the first smartphones to offer the iPhone competition. The Samsung Galaxy boasts an even larger screen than the iPhone, measuring in at 4.8 inches. The large screen provides excellent web browsing capabilities. It is even lighter than the iPhone at only 4.7 ounces, and it is slightly thinner with a thickness of only 0.34 inches. The Samsung Galaxy comes stock with either 16 GB or 32 GB of internal storage, and users can opt to expand up to 64 GB. Users can also utilize 50 GB of free dropbox storage. This phone also offers a fast and smooth performance due to its 2 GB RAM and 1.5 GHz processor.
iPhone Cons
The iPhone is an impressive phone, but it does have its downsides. It comes with either 8 GB or 16 GB and only offers an additional 5 GB through the iCloud, paling in comparison to the Samsung Galaxy’s storage capacities. The iPhone’s dual-core processor is also slower at 800 MHz, compared to the Samsung Galaxy’s 1.5 GHz. The iPhone also only offers 1 GB of RAM, compared to the Samsung Galaxy’s 2 GB of RAM. The iPhone’s 5-megapixel camera receives good reviews, but it cannot compare to the Samsung Galaxy’s 8-megapixel camera. In addition, iPhone users can only use apps from Apple’s online shop, while Samsung Galaxy users have access to apps from the Android Marketplace, Google and Samsung.
Samsung Galaxy Cons
Everything is not perfect with the Samsung Galaxy, either. One complaint with this phone is that it tries a little too hard to be innovative. The phone allows you to call the person you are texting by simply holding the phone to your ear, but some users prefer the voice command prompt that the iPhone offers. Users also prefer the iPhone’s Siri to the voice command that Samsung Galaxy offers because it isn’t as easily accessible or as accurate as Siri. Another criticism is that the Samsung Galaxy works more like a computer than a phone because of its operating system.
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